Tuesday 31 January 2017

What a week this has been!

Thursday 26 January 2017

8 more sleeps and we will be on our way to Australia. We have booked our Campervan - Booked a powered site at a campsite for our first two nights - Bridge climb booked and paid - Lounge at Heathrow booked and paid - A$2,000 in cash ready for the trip. We are just about ready to go and our families in Australia have arranged time off work and also made plans to make our trip unforgettable. Clothes are out on the spare bed ready for packing at the weekend. All in all, we are pleased with our preparation and think we've got everything covered. Australia Here We Come!

Sandra is going to Potters today with a group of friend from our Bowls Club to see the Ladies Singles World Bowls Championship.

I'm planning a lazy day pottering about after I have been to North Hykeham for a routine ultrasound scan of my bladder - no big deal.

Scan completed and the lady operating the scanner informs me that she has discovered an 'unknown mass' around my right kidney! She suggests that I make an immediate appointment with my GP and she will send her the results of the scan. Within an hour I have had a phone conversation with my GP and 30 minutes later I have an appointment to see a consultant at the renal/urology clinic at Lincoln General Hospital. Things have moved pretty quickly and I'm trying to make sense of it all but all the time knowing that we are looking at a possible cancer on my kidney. I'm wondering how I'm going to tell Sandra when she rings me and says, "How did the scan go?"  What do I say?  I couldn't lie so I told her what had been happening all morning and that our trip to Australia was looking doubtful.  Fortunately she was with some very good friends who were very supportive and looked after her.

After Sandra arrived home we decided not to cancel our trip until we were more certain and decided to wait until after the consultation on Monday when we would know more.

We phoned our youngest daughter & husband, who live in Sussex, to let them know the situation and visited our eldest daughter, husband and grandchildren to explain to them too.  Messages via Facebook Messenger were also sent to Australia to let Sandra's sister & cousin and their families what was happening at this late stage.

1 comment:

  1. What a shock for you all Ian, we hope that your appointment went well yesterday and that this is something that can be sorted. Thinking of you all. xx
